Nine Suns



Nine Suns is a performance art presents activities of each individual’s consciousness under numbers of Truth such as our social structures, political perspectives, religions, etc. From time to time, we humans are obsessed with finding the truth as if it was programmed in us. In the process, humans are constantly trying to convince and validate the mass, the world. Sometimes it might not be so peaceful when it comes to major conflicts of ideology such as wars and violence. 

Body movement in individual forms consciousness, and the continuous movement from it in different stage forms stages. The costume and scene together bring out contrast images that highlight forms of consciousness and stages in black and white. While communication happened between individual consciousness, groups, and different stages, forms transformed into a movement of its own becomes patterns of individual consciousness and patterns of the stage.

Nine Suns invites the audience into a hidden box from the visible world. Using contrast shifting images of forms to reveal another side of the connection to the world, society, the body, and oneself, which could remind the audience of the bodily awareness and the individual existence in society.

Part I


Part II

Director: Yuwei Hu
Choreographer: Michaella Barron
Dancers: Maya Addie, Michaella Barron, Nicholas Begun, Claire Pennington
Design and Sound: Yuwei Hu